Made 4 years after the original “Mirror Mirror,” original producer Jimmy Lifton took over writing, directing, and composing chores and created a more self-evident film that gathers an assorted collection of aging genre stars in relatively small roles.
Star Tracy Wells (from TV's “Mr. Belvedere”) plays the dancing sister being drugged by Sally Kellerman's lover, doctor Roddy McDowall (who regular forgets to tap the needles, and technically injects her with AIR), and Lois Nettleton plays the over-attentive mother superior of a California nunnery with a spacious dance studio in the attic. Then-unknown Mark Ruffalo plays Wells' hunky beau, and William Sanderson returns to the “Mirror Mirror” franchise this time as a caretaker who likes to play with headless Barbie dolls.
Taken from a vastly superior source print than the first film, Anchor Bay 's transfer showcases the film's moody lighting (still “movie night” blue), and the Ultra-Stereo mix is less aggressive than the first film, improving the balance of dialogue and sound effects. Wunderkind Lifton's greater reliance on his score dates the film, using distinctive synthesizers that wobble between pop and ersatz orchestral.
This title is available separately or as part of Anchor Bay 's new “Mirror Mirror Collection,” which includes “Mirror Mirror," "Mirror Mirror 2: Raven Dance,” “Mirror Mirror 3: The Voyeur,” and on a bonus disc, “Mirror Mirror 4: Reflections.”
© 2004 Mark R. Hasan
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