Jimmy Lifton's “Mirror Mirror” franchise moves into the erotic-suspense sub-genre, and takes direct advantage of then-novel digital video effects for this distant & utterly dull riff on the power of a demonic mirror. The dual directors (with Virginia Perfili taking a stab at direction after co-writing the last installment) perhaps indicate a major narrative juggling act, as half of Monique Parent's early scenes are designed to showcase her curvaceous assets and perky cousins, while the second half attempts to wrap up a backstory of nefarious crime thugs and sacrifice. (Depicted at the film's start, the scenes actually retard the main credits by 18 minutes.)
Having already appeared in Lifton's “ Phoenix ” that year, Billy Drago also receives a co-producer credit, and Mark Ruffalo returns to the franchise in a different role as Drago's younger brother.
Anchor Bay 's transfer is made from a clean video master, and though originally shot on film in a dreamy, soft-focus approach, “Mirror Mirror” has been heavily stylized with video post-productiuon trickery. Dialogue is largely subdued, and the mix frequently bathes scenes in ambient underscore.
This title is available separately or as part of Anchor Bay 's new “Mirror Mirror Collection,” which includes “Mirror Mirror," "Mirror Mirror 2: Raven Dance,” “Mirror Mirror 3: The Voyeur,” and on a bonus disc, “Mirror Mirror 4: Reflections.”
© 2004 Mark R. Hasan
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