The revolutionary format of sublime _I n t e r - A c t i v i t y : |
What is WKME? WKME is the ultimate in web-based wetboarding for the web-watcher, who's weary of a world without any wonderment, and wants a serious sense of sublime WoW!
How's it work? WKME employs two formats to create special content in WKME-enhanced articles, interviews, profiles, retrospectives, and reviews: super-special Java scripting; and keywords that have been hyperlinked to sites featuring additional multimedia content. For example, as you read through a standard sentence, like "Bob just hated to waste all that chocolate malt," you'll notice a word that's coloured banana yellow and underlined. WKME basically answers a nagging question that's piqued your subconscious, and causes it to reach for the brakes behind your optical chords (loosely referred to as opticullum bundlesohens). Once triggered, an alarm that naturally connects the opticonkron receptor to the sonica field creates a mild vibration in both of your inner ears - usually close to the fine hairs in quadrant 45B. That follicular tremor basically pokes the brain and, loosely translated into 21st century argot, means "HEY! Slow down, Wally, I WANNA KNOW MORE!"
Get it? With hyperlinked words, you'll immediately travel to a site that offers more informative or entertaining content. Go ahead - Try the link and learn more about delectable chocolate! You see, at any one time, you can hit the BACK tab on your browser, and 'Voila!' you're "back" on the page that started the whole wetboarding experience!
It's that easy! Tell me MORE! WKME is our own patented brew to help readers when they just Want to Know MorE. Every time you see this logo it means you're just a CLICK away from premium wetboarding. The banana-coloured text is also the key as to what's been broadened by WKME. After activating our Java-encoded icon, a whole new window will "pop-up," and, in a small bare-bones format, you'll see a graphical illustration or text furthering the learning curve that's already begun.
But doesn't this sound like your standard hyperlinked text and Java pop-up scripting? It looks that way. Might even appear that way in a dream-like haze of pinkish fuzz. But WKME is all new, and unique to KQEK. Let's take a test drive to see how it works.
EXAMPLE: "An Essay on the Ramifications of improper insertion of Betamax tape into a VHS deck, by Dirk and Edwina Foo. It is very wrong to force a standard Betamax cassette into the housing of a VHS player. Doing so will result in serious trauma to both the tape case, and the exterior frame of the playback unit. Both formats offer top-loading or front-loading mechanisms, but if you hold a Beta tape in the Right Hand, and hold a VHS tape in the Left Hand, a weight discrepancy of 2.367 ooms/pr is discernable, and makes it quite plain one videotape format isn't quite like the other one." Notice the WKME logo in the far right that's normally reserved for related images. The precise positioning, often close to banana yellow text, means there's a subject matter that can be further explored with our WKME-encoded graphic.
Go ahead and CLICK on the logo! See what happened? A WKME-encoded window is now facing your nose, offering more specific or tangential information on why VHS and Beta aren't completely identical. And when you pressed on the "Close This Window" sentence, our window of knowledge went away.
Want more? Great! Just click HERE, and we'll take you, lightening-fast, to our Exclusive & Archival Interview Index, except now you're a Pro with WKME! And when you see that 'nana yellow or our pretty WKME logo, you're on a smooth wave - traveling to a silky beach of sandy knowledge - under a cool shade of WoW! |
Site designed for 1024 x 768 resolution, using 16M colours, and optimized for MS Explorer 6.0. KQEK Logo and All Original KQEK Art, Interviews, Profiles, and Reviews Copyright © 2001-Present by Mark R. Hasan. All Rights Reserved. Additional Review Content by Contributors 2001-Present used by Permission of Authors. Additional Art Copyrighted by Respective Owners. Reproduction of any Original KQEK Content Requires Written Permission from Copyright Holder and/or Author. WKME Logo, wetboarding gibberish, and excerpt by Dirk and Edwina Foo Copyright 2005 by KQEK and its Owner. No, REALLY. |