A Tale of Two Wonder Women: Gal Gadot (2017) + Cathy Kee Crosby (1974)
Reviews of two Wonder Woman adaptations: Patty Jenkins’ 2017 theatrical hit (Warner Home Video) with Gal Gadot + the 1974 TV pilot (Warner Archives) with Cathy Lee Crosby.
Reviews of two Wonder Woman adaptations: Patty Jenkins’ 2017 theatrical hit (Warner Home Video) with Gal Gadot + the 1974 TV pilot (Warner Archives) with Cathy Lee Crosby.
There have been many attempts to capture the magic of DC’s popular heroine in film, a TV pilot, TV series, and animated productions, but Patty Jenkins’ 2017 film showcases Princess Diana (Gal Gadot) in an almost classically structured superhero adventure film, spending an unusual level of detail on her backstory…