Richard Brooks’ The Happy Ending (1969) + $ (1971)
Reviews of two classic Richard Brooks films – the housewife crack-up drama The Happy Ending (1969) on Blu from Twilight Time + the heist comedy $ (1971) from Sony.
Reviews of two classic Richard Brooks films – the housewife crack-up drama The Happy Ending (1969) on Blu from Twilight Time + the heist comedy $ (1971) from Sony.
The title of Richard Brooks’ 19th feature film as director infers a story with a classic alls-well-that-ends-well finale, but The Happy Ending proved to be something that goes against the grain of a classic Hollywood saga of bored privileged housewives boozing and bed-hopping and clothes shopping to their hearts’ content before hitting sleazy lows…
Jean Simmons’ beloved brother disappears during a stay in Paris in Antony Darnborough’s odd little thriller So Long at the Fair (1950).
Producer Antony Darnborough took two pokes at directing in 1950, starting with The Astonished Heart and So Long at the Fair, albeit co-directing both with the aid of then-newcomer Terence Fisher,..
Return to: Home / Blu-ray, DVD, Film Reviews / B . Film: Very Good/ DVD Transfer: n/a / DVD Extras: n/a Label: n/a/ Region: n/a / Released: Xn/aX Genre: Drama / Romance Synopsis: Two cousins must survive on their own and deal with emerging sexual attractions after being shipwrecked on a tropical island. Special Features: n/a . . […]