Tag: Sting

DVD: Dolphins! (2000)

DVD: Dolphins! (2000)

September 3, 2014 | By

Greg MacGillivray’s 40 min. doc manages to transcend the dangers of being a full travelogue by allowing genuine experts tell their own respective (and ongoing) experiences with dolphins. Contributing star Pierce Brosnan provides bridge narration as Kathleen Dudzinski explains her quest to codify the verbal and physical language of these highly intelligent mammals…

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DVD: Living Sea, The (1995)

DVD: Living Sea, The (1995)

September 3, 2014 | By

MacGillivray Freeman Films built a reputation for top-notch underwater and aerial cinematography in large film formats like IMAX, and The Living Sea manages to offer a good balance of stunning imagery showcasing underwater locations in Bar Harbor, Hawaii, Monterrey, and Palau…

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