Tag: Vimeo channel

Best Laid Plans + Wandel’s

Best Laid Plans + Wandel’s

February 27, 2014 | By

A review of the CBC’s recently broadcast 6-episode adaptation of Terry Fallis’ novel Best Laid Plans, set and filmed in Ottawa, and because I’m the editor, links to an extract of a garden video I shot in the Gatineau region.

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Camera Test #102: GBC-CTC-5X + Flesh Tones

Camera Test #102: GBC-CTC-5X + Flesh Tones

February 4, 2014 | By

  Since the basic details of the GBC CTC-5X video camera are covered in Camera Test #102, I’ll keep things a bit more brisk that in the prior Camera Test blog. If the facts start reading a wee bit dry, just skip down to the end where the YouTube + Vimeo links are located. Now then. From what I’ve managed to find in print and picture online, GBC was a U.S. company specializing in industrial-level video cameras during the late sixties […]

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