Boogaloo-ing to the Cannon Groove, Part 2: Getting Inside the Go-Go Boys
Review of Hilla Medalia’s The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films (2014), from Multicom Entertainment / MVD.
Review of Hilla Medalia’s The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films (2014), from Multicom Entertainment / MVD.
For my occasional podcast series ArtScope TO, Abstract Painter Donna Wise discusses her unique techniques, and working during the 2020-2021 pandemic.
Review of Joe D’Amator’s PG-centric DEEP BLOOD / SANGUE NEGLI ABISSI (1990) via Severin + Upcoming Podcasts, Reviews, and the Blur that was Spring 2021.
Review of Taylor Morden’s THE LAST BLOCKBUSTER (2020) from Passion River on Blu + seeing the behemoth wither, self-flagellate, and die from the Canadian side.
Review of LASERBLAST (1978), Charles Band’s eccentric sci-fi production, starring Kim Milford, Cheryl Smith, and a powerful alien pineapple!