Podcast: ANNE WITH AN E composers Amin Bhatia & Ari Posner
Podcast interview with ANNE WITH AN E’s composing team Amin Bhatia and Ari Posner.
Podcast interview with ANNE WITH AN E’s composing team Amin Bhatia and Ari Posner.
Editor’s Blog on the fun / absurdity of watching MORTAL KOMBAT on laserdisc and in Dolby Pro Logic using a convoluted series of connected vintage & contemporary gear. Yes, really.
Based on the novel by Terry Fallis, this 6 episode CBC series follows the surreal events which push a skilled but poorly respected speechwriter to make a deal with his abusive boss and agree to run a loser candidate in a small Ottawa riding to fend of threats of an unwarranted RCMP investigation of fiduciary impropriety…
Film: Excellent DVD Transfer: Very Good DVD Extras: Very Good Label: Acorn Region: 1 (NTSC) Released: December 13, 2013 Genre: Comedy / TV / Britcom Synopsis: Now a father and newlywed, Doc Martin finds his stress level reaching new heights, especially when his hideous mother arrives in town. Special Features (spread out over Discs 1 […]