Tag: Hannah Gross

Film: Putty Hill (2010)

Film: Putty Hill (2010)

June 1, 2016 | By

When financing for proposed coming of age film Metal Gods fell through, writer-director Matthew Porterfield used the assembled actors for a newly drafted vision in which friends & family gather for the funeral of a young man, dead in his early twenties from a drug overdose…

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Film: Stinking Heaven (2015)

Film: Stinking Heaven (2015)

March 16, 2016 | By

Stinking Heaven’s premise involves a suburban commune in 1990 New Jersey that’s upset by the arrival of a newcomer and the gradual disintegration of the order that’s kept the group together, but that’s really a flexible premise, because as it becomes rapidly clear, there’s much pre-existing discontent…

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