About KQEK.com Mobile – OLDE – Do Not Use

Why go zippy when the main site’s so colourful and hippy-trippy?

Using the 1957 classic Boy on a Dolphin as an example, the main site, KQEK.com, already gets a lot of visitors and traffic from reciprocal links at the IMDB (Internet Movie Database), TCMDB and the MRQE (Movie Review Query Engine), and Soundtrackcollector.com, plus search queries via Google and Bing.

KQEK.com Mobile was designed to meet the interest and demands from film and film music fans using smart phones wanting content without data-heavy extras. This Word Press theme is pre-designed to suit most gizmos, and has no frills – meaning the site and pages will load faster, and display text in an easy-to-scroll fashion.



How do I use this zippy site?

Sections and navigation architecture is pretty identical to the Main Site, and the Mobile Edition also receives the latest RSS feeds from Mondomark.com – the Editor’s Blog – which contains the latest site and blog updates in another mobile-compatible theme.



Is the content identical?

In terms of reviews and articles, absolutely. Links within the review and interview body have been moved to the end, and are categorized as follows:

Related Links = applies to content within the zippy mobile edition.

Related External Links (MAIN SITE) = applies to content (additional reviews, for example) that haven’t been ported over, and are only available at the main site, KQEK.com, with all of the fancy-schmancy graphics.

Related External Links = I’ve kept them simple, in terms of (primarily) IMDB and composer links. These are identical to the links on the Main Site.



Why hasn’t everything from the Main Site gone hippy-dippy zippy-trippy?

Right now all reviews (CD, BR, DVD, Film, etc.) will only be the most recent, starting from Oct. 1, 2010. Little by little, select reviews will be integrated, but it’s a time-consuming effort, and it makes sense to stick with the latest and shiniest pieces.

I’ve also condensed the basic release details & factoids for film reviews – label, release date, synopsis, etc. – since the IMDB can provide further cast/crew info.




KQEK.com and Zippy Mobile Edition do contain links to external, third party websites. We make no claims about their reliability or content, and it’s your responsibility if you choose to visit them.

If you’re a PC user, to browse the web naked (aka without any anti-virus software) is foolish; if you’re a Mac user, Hey! Congratulations Laughing Boy! The Web is Your Oyster! (except for the Orzibaba Virus, which may cause Macs using Monkey, Frog, Hippo, Weasel, and Platypus operating systems to smell like undercooked cabbage dingles and over-baked blue cheese wingles).




A review, interview, article, or any original content within these pages may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the writer and/or KQEK.com, KQEK.com Mobile, and/or Mondomark.com (er, ME), and must include proper copyright and author/site credit with a link to the original page.



Contact Info:

Type zippy + editor + the number eleven + “at” + kqek + dot +com. Any spam will be ridiculed in the monthly tally of incoherent & unwanted Rabbit Rubbish. (Seriously, it’s a regular show-stopper.)



Is that all?

For now? Yes.

Warmest regards,


Mark R. Hasan

Editor/Publisher, KQEK.com Mobile
November, 2010