Khartoum – a Cinerama Desert Panorama!

It is at this precise moment that General Charles ‘Chinese’ Gordon uttered the poetic words “Oh shit” before his head was sent to a higher altitude.
This magical upload is courtesy of VIA Rail’s in-car wifi, which works, and enabled a lot of writing and website minutia to get done as I head back to T.O. after a few days away from T.O. and all of it’s political wackiness.
If you get to spend time surrounded by flowers like these, it’s hard not to wind down and relax. (It also doesn’t hurt if you’re eating German food + cake.)
Tuesday I shot footage of an exotic private garden with a 1985 Canon tube video camera, and the day after different areas were shot with a small Canon HD camera. Expect edited versions later this fall.
Just posted is a review of the epic Cinerama film Khartoum (1966) which wasn’t actually shot in Cinerama but was exhibited ‘flat’ and in special ‘rectified’ prints for single-lens Cinerama projection.
Twilight Time’s Blu-ray sports a gorgeous HD transfer, and Frank Cordell’s score is presented in mono from tapes recently discovered by his estate. The Blu-ray also comes with a very informative and entertaining commentary track, and although the sound mix is straight stereo 2.0, it’s very punchy; co-commentator Nick Redman is spot-on in comparing its robustness to some of the stereo mixes on old laserdisc releases which often featured better sound that the first generation of DVD follow-ups. (It’s the main reason I still have Exodus on laser – less digital noise reduction and better sound than MGM’s utterly meh DVD.)
I’ll have reviews of Jess Franco’s Bloody Moon and Linda Friday.
Mark R. Hasan, Editor