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BR: Cannibal Man / La semana del asesino / Apartment on the 13th Floor, The (1972)

BR: Cannibal Man / La semana del asesino / Apartment on the 13th Floor, The (1972)

October 10, 2021 | By

Cannibal Man has a palpable crime-drama feel – the events unfold after daily title cards – and one can sense Hitchcockian sensibilities…

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BR: No One Heard the Scream / Nadie oyó gritar (1973)

BR: No One Heard the Scream / Nadie oyó gritar (1973)

October 10, 2021 | By

After the grisly thriller Cannibal Man (1972), Spanish auteur Eloy de la Iglesia opted for a far less graphic thriller which is part giallo…

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Going Overboard, Twice

Going Overboard, Twice

September 24, 2021 | By

Review of the romantic meanie, OVERBOARD (1987), new on Blu from Severin Films, plus some thoughts on the 2018 remake.

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BR: Overboard (1987)

BR: Overboard (1987)

September 24, 2021 | By

A cruel socialite with amnesia + a rustic family led by a giddy sleazebag may not follow the more genteel scenarios of classic screwball comedies, but Dixon’s script features…

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Boogaloo-ing to the Cannon Groove, Part 2: Getting Inside the Go-Go Boys

Boogaloo-ing to the Cannon Groove, Part 2: Getting Inside the Go-Go Boys

September 1, 2021 | By

Review of Hilla Medalia’s The Go-Go Boys: The Inside Story of Cannon Films (2014), from Multicom Entertainment / MVD.

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